22 April 2009

Today is the day we went out. I really look forward to it so I wore the best dress I have, it was a pink high waist flowy dress. He picked me up in the evening and drove me to subterranean bar. I had never been to a place like this before. The way he escorted me and opened the door for me made me feel like a princess. The bar was filled with warm orangish light and soft rhythm and blues music, to be there with my crush felt like a dream.

He said the bar was owned by one of his friend, and it was a secret place to him. We sat down and ordered some food. He chose a cocktail for me according to his impression to me, it was cocktail. I was very surprised that he saw me that way. We talked about many things, he said he was into the vampire aesthetic as well. He invited me over to his house next time, and said he could show me something. I feel like our relationship had deepened so much tonight, and he even let me go to his house. Does that mean he thinks I'm special too?